How To Overcome Smoking Even If You Are Genetically Predisposed

Posted by Gurseet Singh on


Ever wondered why some people despite trying hard to quit smoking remain unsuccessful whereas others give up the habit at the drop of a hat? It is not always a lack of willpower that is to be blamed.

Years of research on nicotine consumption and smoking patterns reveal that a person’s likelihood to start smoking and the number of cigarettes they smoke every day is linked to their genes. This doesn’t mean you start blaming your forefathers and start believing that it is impossible to give up smoking. You can overcome the habit nevertheless. This blog aims to help you understand how.

How Is Genetics Connected To Smoking?

When nicotine is released into the bloodstream, it activates some structures within the brain called receptors. Consequently, receptors release a brain chemical called dopamine. It is a pleasure-inducing chemical. The more the blood receives nicotine through smoking, the more the secretion of dopamine and the greater the number of nicotine receptors in the brain. In contrast, non-smokers have fewer nicotine receptors.

However, research studies affirm that not all smokers have a high level of receptors. Scientists opine that inherited variations in one of many dopamine receptors, encoded by a gene could be the reason why there is a difference in response to nicotine addiction among people. Here is a snapshot of a research study.

The experiment:

Scientists studied the link between genetics and smoking habits of 3,657 Dutch twin pairs. 50% of the twins had never smoked.




Environmental Factor

Which factor played a role in deciding if the twins would smoke?



How many cigarettes would the twins smoke?



 The inference:

A combination of shared genetics and environmental factors together play a role in shaping a person's cigarette smoking patterns.

How To Quit Smoking With Smotect?

Smoking addiction does not imply a gene for addiction is inherited from one generation to another. It indicates how susceptible an individual could be to start smoking.

Additionally, just because you have a genetic predisposition for nicotine addiction doesn't mean you can’t quit smoking. The journey only becomes more challenging. Smotect can help you quit smoking naturally and effectively through Smotect Natural Tablets and Smotect Guided Sessions.

Smotect offers a holistic solution that addresses the biological, psychological and social (BPS) aspects of cigarette smoking. The program is designed to prepare your mind and body so that you don’t fall into the smoking habit again. It increases your ability to quit smoking by 10X more than any other method.

Quit Smoking With Smotect Natural Tablets

Smotect Natural Tablets help combat biological cravings. These tablets are patented, unique scientific formulations of 12 therapeutic herbs. They are 100% safe and natural, nicotine-free, clinically-proven and offer over 95 % success rate with zero side effects.

Smotect Natural Tablets help the body to produce its own dopamine, thus lowering nicotine dependence. The tablets serve as antioxidants and prevent organ damage due to smoking. They help alleviate anxiety and depression and reduce cigarette cravings. They also improve brain function which diminishes owing to smoking.

Overall, Smotect Natural Tablets not only protect the organs from the effect of prolonged smoking, but they also help the normal function and health of the organs and help you quit smoking.

Quit Smoking With Free Smotect Guided Sessions

Smotect’s philosophy of quitting smoking is centred on the Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) approach. We offer a step-by-step video series that:

  • Provide tangible tools, techniques and breathing exercises (such as the R.A.I.N. technique) to strengthen your mental muscle and manage cravings and withdrawals.
  • Equip you to deal with slips and relapses effectively.
  • Reinforce awareness of your psychological triggers and smoking patterns.

These videos help combat psychological cravings. We refer to these video series as Smotect Guided Sessions. These sessions are an excellent ally to Smotect Natural Tablets in helping you quit smoking despite a genetic predisposition to smoking

To Sum Up

Genetic factors play a key role in determining one’s likelihood of nicotine addiction. However, a disciplined combination of Smotect Natural Tablets and Smotect Guided Sessions could influence a smoker’s neurological response to nicotine and alleviate its dependence, eventually doing away with all cravings. Sign up for the Smotect Quit Smoking Program today.

Start your Quit Smoking Journey today with World's most effective & proven Smotect Quit Smoking Natural Tablets

Click Here To Buy Smotect Tablets Today!

WhatsApp us at +91 89285 97731 for consultation with Quit Smoking Expert

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